When moving the mouse above a certain speed, it starts sensing the movement incorrectly or gets stuck.

Personal settings such as Windows sensitivity, in-game sensitivity, DPI, & mousepad surface may be the reason for this occurrence. Please test the unit on another PC and/or USB-port and follow these troubleshooting steps.

  1. Clean the sensor lens with a brush.
  2. Try a different surface for the mouse to track on
  3. Test the mouse on a different LOD setting. (For EC-A, FK, ZA,  EC-C, FK-C, ZA-C, S-C, EC-CW seires, U2, DW series)
    To learn more about How do you change/reset the LOD (Lift Off Distance) setting of the mouse?

If the problem persists and the product is still within the warranty period, please contact our support team.

Applicable Models

EC1 (L), EC1 TYLOO (L), EC1-A (L), EC1-B (L), EC1-B CS:GO (L), EC1-B DIVINA BLUE (L), EC1-B DIVINA BLUE (L), EC1-B DIVINA PINK (L), EC1-C (L), EC1-CW (L), EC2 (M), EC2 TYLOO (M), EC2-A (M), EC2-B (M), EC2-B CS:GO (M), EC2-B DIVINA BLUE (M), EC2-B DIVINA PINK (M), EC2-C (M), EC2-CW (M), EC3-C (S), EC3-CW (S), FK1 (L), FK1+ (XL), FK1+-B (XL), FK1+-B DIVINA BLUE (XL), FK1+-B DIVINA PINK (XL), FK1+-C (XL), FK1-B (L), FK1-B DIVINA BLUE (L), FK1-B DIVINA PINK (L), FK1-C (L), FK2 (M), FK2-B (M), FK2-B DIVINA BLUE (M), FK2-B DIVINA PINK (M), FK2-C (M), FK2-DW, S1 (M), S1 DIVINA BLUE (M), S1 DIVINA PINK (M), S1-C (M), S2 (S), S2 DIVINA BLUE (S), S2 DIVINA PINK (S), S2-C (S), S2-DW, U2 (M), U2-DW, ZA11 (L), ZA11-B (L), ZA11-C (L), ZA12 (M), ZA12-B (M), ZA12-C (M), ZA13 (S), ZA13-B (S), ZA13-C (S), ZA13-DW

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