XL Setting to Shareがモニターを検出しません(モニターが見つかりません)。どうすればいいですか?

Please follow the steps below:

1. Ensure the cable is directly connected from the PC to the monitor.
    Avoid using splitters or adapters to prevent compatibility issues.

2. Reset the monitor through the menu: System > Reset > Reset All > YES.

3. Ensure ECO settings are OFF: System > ECO Settings > OFF.
    (Note: Enabling ECO settings disables DDC/CI functions.)

4. Ensure DDC/CI settings are ON: System > Other Settings > DDC/CI
    > ON. This protocol is essential for communication between PC and monitor.
    (Note: XL-X models have this ON by default.)

5. Ensure that the XL Setting to Share software is the latest version: XL Setting to
    Share > Settings > Software Update > Check for Update.

6. Update the graphics card driver to the latest version.

7. Ensure that the XL Setting to Share (.exe) file is extracted and not run from within the compressed file.


If the software still does not detect the XL monitor after completing the above steps, please contact the customer service team.

Provide a log file to allow our engineers to investigate the issue effectively. To export the log, go to Settings > Basic Settings > Technical Support > Export Logs within the software.


XL2411K (24"), XL2540K (24.5"), XL2546K (24.5"), XL2546X (24.5"), XL2546X+, XL2566K (24.5"), XL2566X+ (24.1"), XL2586X (24.1"), XL2731K (27"), XL2746K (27")

