ZOWIE announced the EC3-C and a new C version mice lineup
Since the launch of the first EC to date, ZOWIE has always tasked themselves to create equipment options for all personal preferences of competitive gamers, helping them perform at their best. As there are a wider range of FPS game titles these days with additional gameplay elements such as aggressive vertical movements or flicks, resulting in different mouse usage requirements, the new EC3-C is being introduced as an additional option to consider.
Along with the EC3-C, ZOWIE is also introducing a new C version mice lineup that features weight reduction, paracord cable, and 24-step scroll wheel. The first available will be the EC series.
As the right shape and size is a subjective choice, there's not a single design or feature that can fit all purposes, and sometimes new versions won't necessarily be a better fit for you. This video has all the information you need to know about the new EC3-C and the C version lineup.
If you have any questions about the new mice or their availability in your market, find us on below social media. We are more than happy to help.