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On the way to the digital classroom - The Eldenburg Grammar School

  • Joshua Holko
  • Landscape, Nature, Wilderness Photographer / Australia
  • 2019-08-26

On the way to the digital classroom - The Eldenburg Grammar School

Over View

The Eldenburg Grammar School in Lübz is a place of learning for students from the towns of Lübz, Plau am See, and Goldberg, as well as from almost 60 other towns in the surrounding area. The technical equipment of the school has remained almost unchanged since its opening in 2008 and no longer met current requirements. The introduction of 12 interactive displays was decided in order to teach the students how to deal critically with modern media and to supplement classic frontal teaching with multimedia content.


Together with the Kommunalservice Mecklenburg (KSM), a comprehensive needs analysis was carried out to make the technical equipment of the school fit for the coming years. In addition to various measures to modernize the IT area, modern interactive displays should also be used in 12 classrooms. The subsequent tender was won by BenQ with the RP860K due to its outstanding price-performance ratio.


The Eldenburg Grammar School in Lübz is currently attended by 460 students from the city of Lübz and the surrounding municipalities. Classes take place in 20 classrooms and three computer rooms. The school has a total of 93 computers and two mobile laptop carts. Since the technical equipment of the Grammar School has in fact not been modernized since it was founded in 2008, there was a need for action. The clear objective was that the systems should be identical in all classrooms and that they should be as simple and uncomplicated as possible for teachers and students to use.

Facts at a Glance

Year of Completion



BenQ Solution Used

  • BenQ Education Interactive Flat Panel Display | RP860K






On the way to the digital classroom - The Eldenburg Grammar School


The Eldenburg Grammar School in Lübz is currently attended by 460 students from the city of Lübz and the surrounding municipalities. Classes take place in 20 classrooms and three computer rooms. The school has a total of 93 computers and two mobile laptop carts. Since the technical equipment of the Grammar School has in fact not been modernized since it was founded in 2008, there was a need for action. The clear objective was that the systems should be identical in all classrooms and that they should be as simple and uncomplicated as possible for teachers and students to use.


Together with the Kommunalservice Mecklenburg (KSM), the teachers' college has developed a basic concept to implement a holistic digital solution for students and teachers using state-of-the-art technology. As a result of these consultations, it was decided to equip a total of 12 rooms with large-format interactive displays. The projectors available in three classrooms will continue to be used for the time being and will also be replaced if a corresponding budget is available. Necessary Internet access will be provided by computers that are also located in the classroom. After a public tender, the 86" BenQ-RP860K was chosen for the displays due to its excellent price-performance ratio. To give teachers more flexibility during lessons, a fold-out blackboard has been added to both sides of the interactive screens.

The system can be operated either directly via the touch screen or via a cordless mouse and keyboard combination. The height-adjustable displays include a powerful sound bar for a sound output that can still be clearly heard in the last row. In addition, the glare-free and bright BenQ-RP860K enables a high-contrast image from any viewing angle that is free of annoying reflection. After the installation, a detailed instruction in the operation of the flat screens was given by the specialist retailer GlaGla.


The adventure of the digital classroom has begun at the Eldenburg Grammar School in Lübz: While at the beginning the teaching staff reacted cautiously to the fact that an interactive display would now replace the beloved classic blackboard, the students were enthusiastic about the idea. An in-depth introductory event was then held to dispel the teachers' remaining misgivings. Since a lot of importance was attached to simple operation during the planning phase, there were no longer any major questions.

Step by step, teachers and students will now discover together the many possibilities offered by the interactive flat screens. Not only can open questions be looked up online during lessons, but the new technology also makes it easy to use videos or interactive maps and graphics quickly and efficiently. A further considerable advantage can be illustrated by the example of physics lessons: Until now, experiments were always tied to the individual equipment of the school, but some experiments were too complex or dangerous to be carried out. Modern technology also helps here and enables a safe and cost-efficient virtual test setup.