來看看為何BenQ 專業螢幕品牌大使-郭憲聰為何選擇BenQ吧
BenQ 的獨家校色軟體簡化了色彩管理流程,提供直覺的圖示介面和引導,無需校色專業知識即可確保色彩一致性,為影像工作者節省了 50% 以上的作業時間。
透過 Palette Master Ultimate 進行定期校色*,確保持久的色彩準確性,加上原廠全面保固支援,螢幕色彩準確,使用又安心。 (*建議每三個月或使用 100 小時校準一次)
無論您是個人工作使用一顆外接顯示器、還是為工作室大量採購,DesignVue 顯示器都能確保顯示器之間的色彩一致性並提高工作效率。
選擇具有出廠校色報告的 DesignVue 顯示器
27吋 | 4K UHD
32吋 | 4K UHD
32吋 | 4K UHD
垂直旋轉 90°
傾斜-5°~20° & 高度可調
Palette Master Ultimate
Display ColorTalk
Display Pilot 2
Display QuicKit
BenQ DesignVue 螢幕
比較所有 DesignVue 螢幕Color Gamut
Color gamut is defined as the range of colors which a particular device can produce or record , with some commonly used standards such as Rec.2020, DCI-P3, AdobeRGB, sRGB, and NTSC.
High Dynamic Range
High Dynamic Range (HDR) is a technology that produces images with a large perceptible difference between bright and dark regions for realistically bright or dark pictures without subtle detail loss.
Color Accuracy
Delta E is often used to evaluate perceived color differences. A delta of less than 1.00 means that there is no perceivable difference for color experts when two colors are compared side by side.
Color Gamut
Color gamut is defined as the range of colors which a particular device can produce or record , with some commonly used standards such as Rec.2020, DCI-P3, AdobeRGB, sRGB, and NTSC.
Color Accuracy
Delta E is often used to evaluate perceived color differences. A delta of less than 1.00 means that there is no perceivable difference for color experts when two colors are compared side by side.
Color Gamut
Color gamut is defined as the range of colors which a particular device can produce or record , with some commonly used standards such as Rec.2020, DCI-P3, AdobeRGB, sRGB, and NTSC.
High Dynamic Range (HDR) is a technology that produces images with a large perceptible difference between bright and dark regions for realistically bright or dark pictures without subtle detail loss.
Color Accuracy
Delta E is often used to evaluate perceived color differences. A delta of less than 1.00 means that there is no perceivable difference for color experts when two colors are compared side by side.
Assistant Tool
BenQ Assistant Tool offers a range of software solutions to enhance monitor productivity, making display settings easier, simplifying color matching and calibration, and providing convenient firmware updates.
High Dynamic Range (HDR) is a technology that produces images with a large perceptible difference between bright and dark regions for realistically bright or dark pictures without subtle detail loss.
Color Accuracy
Delta E is often used to evaluate perceived color differences. A delta of less than 1.00 means that there is no perceivable difference for color experts when two colors are compared side by side.
Assistant Tool
BenQ Assistant Tool enables photographers and designers to facilitate their workflow while doing color management, screen-to-print adjustment and color gamuts switching in color critical projects.
Color Gamut
Color gamut is defined as the range of colors which a particular device can produce or record , with some commonly used standards such as Rec.2020, DCI-P3, AdobeRGB, sRGB, and NTSC.
Color Accuracy
Delta E is often used to evaluate perceived color differences. A delta of less than 1.00 means that there is no perceivable difference for color experts when two colors are compared side by side.
Color Gamut
Color gamut is defined as the range of colors which a particular device can produce or record , with some commonly used standards such as Rec.2020, DCI-P3, AdobeRGB, sRGB, and NTSC.
High Dynamic Range (HDR) is a technology that produces images with a large perceptible difference between bright and dark regions for realistically bright or dark pictures without subtle detail loss.
Color Accuracy
Delta E is often used to evaluate perceived color differences. A delta of less than 1.00 means that there is no perceivable difference for color experts when two colors are compared side by side.
Color Gamut
Color gamut is defined as the range of colors which a particular device can produce or record , with some commonly used standards such as Rec.2020, DCI-P3, AdobeRGB, sRGB, and NTSC.
High Dynamic Range (HDR) is a technology that produces images with a large perceptible difference between bright and dark regions for realistically bright or dark pictures without subtle detail loss.
Color Accuracy
Delta E is often used to evaluate perceived color differences. A delta of less than 1.00 means that there is no perceivable difference for color experts when two colors are compared side by side.
Color Gamut
Color gamut is defined as the range of colors which a particular device can produce or record , with some commonly used standards such as Rec.2020, DCI-P3, AdobeRGB, sRGB, and NTSC.
Color Accuracy
Delta E is often used to evaluate perceived color differences. A delta of less than 1.00 means that there is no perceivable difference for color experts when two colors are compared side by side.
Color Gamut
Color gamut is defined as the range of colors which a particular device can produce or record , with some commonly used standards such as Rec.2020, DCI-P3, AdobeRGB, sRGB, and NTSC.
High Dynamic Range (HDR) is a technology that produces images with a large perceptible difference between bright and dark regions for realistically bright or dark pictures without subtle detail loss.
Color Accuracy
Delta E is often used to evaluate perceived color differences. A delta of less than 1.00 means that there is no perceivable difference for color experts when two colors are compared side by side.
2025 挑選專業螢幕前的七大問題