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Confronta tutti i videoproiettori BenQDCI-P3 Color Space
DCI-P3 is a common RGB color space for digital movie projection in the American film industry. DCI-P3’s range is 26% larger than sRGB/Rec.709, and the percentage higher, the color gamut wider.
Input Lag
Input lag or input latency is the amount of time it takes to display a signal on the screen from when the source sends it.
DCI-P3 Color Space
DCI-P3 is a common RGB color space for digital movie projection in the American film industry. DCI-P3’s range is 26% larger than sRGB/Rec.709, and the percentage higher, the color gamut wider.
DCI-P3 Color Space
DCI-P3 is a common RGB color space for digital movie projection in the American film industry. DCI-P3’s range is 26% larger than sRGB/Rec.709, and the percentage higher, the color gamut wider.
Rec.709 Color Space
Rec.709 uses specific red, green, and blue colors and illuminant D65 (6500k) for the white point to build a standardized color space and reproduce accurate color gamut and grayscale, and the percentage higher, the color gamut wider.
Input Lag
Input lag or input latency is the amount of time it takes to display a signal on the screen from when the source sends it.
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