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Color Shuttle

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Color Shuttle lets you save your fine-tune colors on your BenQ MOBIUZ monitors to take your gaming experience to the next level

Améliorez vos jeux avec des profils de couleurs élaborés par des experts

Profitez pleinement de notre analyse des couleurs et de nos recherches auprès de joueurs experts pour améliorer vos jeux préférés et vivre une expérience encore plus immersive. Divers préréglages autorisés et créés spécifiquement pour les jeux les plus populaires sont disponibles au téléchargement.

With MOBIUZ Color Shuttle you can up your game with the color profiles defined by the experts

Enregistrez localement ou dans le cloud et changez de paramètres en un instant

Après avoir trouvé la bonne combinaison de paramètres pour vos jeux préférés, enregistrez-les comme préréglages. Passez ensuite d’un préréglage à l’autre aussi facilement que vous le faites pour passer d’un jeu à l’autre. Tous vos préréglages enregistrés peuvent être transférés sur le cloud pour les télécharger plus tard sur d’autres appareils prenant en charge Color Shuttle.

MOBIUZ Color Shuttle to let you save monitor settings locally or to the cloud and switch settings on the fly

Partagez ou téléchargez facilement vos paramètres

Partagez facilement vos configurations personnalisées. Impressionnez vos amis et le monde du jeu avec des paramètres d’affichage qui tirent le meilleur parti de chaque effet visuel.

MOBIUZ Color Shuttle to easily share your custom configurations. Wow your friends and the gaming world with display settings that get the most out of game visuals


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Browse all related FAQs
  • How to start Color Shuttle?

    Color Shuttle is the software that allows BenQ MOBIUZ gaming monitors to apply monitor settings, save changes to the cloud, and share them with the world. Here are the simple steps. Please read on to learn more about this topic.

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  • What OS does Color Shuttle support?

    Color Shuttle supports only Win 10/11 at this moment.

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  • Do I need to have an account to use Color Shuttle? Is it free?

    No, you do not need an account to use the import and export features on your MOBIUZ gaming monitors as Color Shuttle is a free-to-use app. However, by logging in to your account, you will unlock exclusive perks such as personal URL generator, free personal storage space and more.

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  • How to apply color profiles on my PC?

    With Color Shuttle, you can save your time on monitor settings for every new game title. Please click and follow the instructions below, and read on to learn more about this topic.

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  • How to apply color profiles on my PS5, Xbox Series X, or any other consoles?

    The color mode Gamer 1, 2, and 3 are shared regardless of different sources. Simply use Color Shuttle on your PC to save settings to Gamer 1, 2 or 3, then switch back to your console and choose the color mode in which the setting has been saved. Then you are good to go.

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  • What color mode can I export from? What are the settings included in a color profile?

    In order to provide cross-model compatibility and better color accuracy, the exportable color modes are as followed: Game HDRi, Cinema HDRi, FPS, RPG, Racing Game, Custom, Gamer 1, Gamer 2, Gamer 3.
    The color profile will include every function under a valid color mode, including Light Tuner, Color Vibrance, Brightness, Contrast, Sharpness, Gamma, Color Temperature, AMA, and Blur Reduction.

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  • Why does my Color Shuttle keep showing “No compatible monitor found"?

    This message will pop up if no compatible monitor can be found by Color Shuttle. Please click and follow the instructions below, and read on to learn more about this topic.

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  • What is Log ID and how does it work?

    Log ID helps our development team effectively clarify your concerns when unexpected error or crash happens. We recommend you to export, copy and paste your log ID to BenQ online service to tell us of the issue you have encountered. Please click to learn about the user interface.

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  • How can I change the language in Color Shuttle?

    To access the language menu, click on the Info Button > Language > Select Language Currently we support 15 languages, including English, Mexican Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Swedish, German, Dutch, Spanish, Polish, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

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