The world's first monitor light surpassing LED desk lamps
ScreenBar® Pro
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*Height 19.7'' (45 cm)
ScreenBar/ ScreenBar Plus
23.6''-11.8'' (60cm x 30cm)
ScreenBar Halo
24.8''-15.7'' (63cm x 40cm)
ScreenBar Pro
33.5''-19.7'' (85cm x 50cm)
ScreenBar/ ScreenBar Plus
60cm x 30cm
ScreenBar Halo
63cm x 40cm
(Height 45 cm)
ScreenBar Pro
85cm x 50cm
Details of Modes
Real-time Auto-Dimming mode: The lamp changes the lighting according to the ambient brightness.
Smart-Dimming mode: It requires the user to press the button when the ambient lighting has changed, and will not continuously detect ambient lighting. This feature is designed as to avoid any possible disturbances to the light sensor, which could lead to an incorrect illuminance.
At Height 17.7"
At Height 45cm
Details of Modes
Paper Mode: E-Reading Desk Lamp provides 1000lux of illumination directly below—with no glare—at a color temperature of 5700k.
Screen Mode: In order to avoid high lighting contrast between the brightness of the lamp and the screen, the lamp stays at an illumination level of 500lux at a color temperature of 4000k. The unique 'brighter at the sides, darker at the middle’ optical design can reduce screen glare to protect your eyes.
At Height 17.7“
At Height 17.7“
Details of Modes
Paper Mode: E-Reading Desk Lamp provides 1000lux of illumination directly below—with no glare—at a color temperature of 5700k.
Screen Mode: In order to avoid high lighting contrast between the brightness of the lamp and the screen, the lamp stays at an illumination level of 500lux at a color temperature of 4000k. The unique 'brighter at the sides, darker at the middle’ optical design can reduce screen glare to protect your eyes.
center of keyboard: 1070 lux<br/>center of sheet music: 720 lux<br/>4 corners of sheet music: above 500 lux<br/>(when the head is 70 cm above center of keyboard)
sheet music: 16.6" x 11.7" 4 corners of sheet music reach above 500 lux<br/>(when the head is 27.5” above center of keyboard)
Real-time Auto-Dimming mode
The lamp changes the lighting according to the ambient brightness.
2nd-Generation STEREO-Light
Light up both sheet music and 88 keys
3rd-Generation STEREO-Light
Divides the light into two—one to illuminate the entire keyboard, and one to evenly light the sheet music.
Incompatible Laptop
For the few incompatible laptop models, please refer to the FAQ.
Personalized Auto-dimming
The lamp remembers users’ brightness preferences and adjusts in real time based on both ambient light and their personal settings.
3D Surrounding Illumination
3D surrounding illumination minimizes contrast across the entire laptop station.
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