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Display ColorTalk

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BenQ Display ColorTalk software makes it easy to sync colors across monitors with just a few clicks. Save time and effort, focus on your creativity.

BenQ Display ColorTalk

Easily ensure all your monitors tell stories with greater consistency.

BenQ Display ColorTalk

Easily ensure all your monitors tell stories with greater consistency.

Matching Colors Across Displays Has Never Been Easier

With Display ColorTalk, effortlessly matching the colors across your displays without needing a calibrator has become a breeze. Say goodbye to the frustration of continuously fiddling with OSD color settings and instead, focus on unleashing your creativity.

Use BenQ Display ColorTalk software to duplicate colors from your Macbook and apply them to a second monitor in a few simple steps.

Matching Colors for MacBook and BenQ Monitors

Use BenQ Display ColorTalk software to duplicate colors from your main monitor and apply them to a second monitor in a few simple steps.

Matching Colors Across BenQ Monitors

Matching Colors for MacBook and BenQ Monitors

Matching Colors Across BenQ Monitors

Sync Colors in 3 Steps


Designate the benchmark and tuning monitor, then get the binding done

Designate the benchmark and tuning monitor, then get the binding done


Adjust the brightness, color temperature, and colors of the tuning monitor.

*You can rotate the image and color patterns using the button in the lower-left corner of the tuning monitor window for a more intuitive comparison.

Adjust brightness, color temperature, and colors across the two monitors


Check the final result and fine-tune the colors if needed

Check the final result and fine-tune the colors if needed

Learn More on the Color-Matching Process


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Browse all related FAQs
  • Do I need a calibrator when using Display ColorTalk?

    No, you don't need a calibrator when using Display ColorTalk to match colors across displays. Display ColorTalk allows users to duplicate colors from the benchmark display and apply them to a second display based on their visual perception.

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  • Is Display ColorTalk supported on Apple M1/M2?

    Display ColorTalk currently supports Apple Silicon, including the M1 and M2 chips. However, the feature for matching colors across multiple monitors is only applicable to devices with M1/M2 Pro, M1/M2 Max, and M1/M2 Ultra chips, as Apple Silicon M1 and M2 chips natively support only one external display. This feature is not available for M1 and M2-based devices that do not fall under the specified categories.

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  • Why I cannot successfully designate the benchmark and tuning monitor when matching colors across multiple monitors?

    Please click and follow the instructions in the video below. For Apple Silicon M1/M2 Pro, M1/M2 Max, and M1/M2 Ultra-based devices please check "0:44" for the binding instructions of M1/M2-based devices.

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  • What does Display ColorTalk offer for creative professionals? How can I use Display ColorTalk to match colors on my displays?

    Display ColorTalk offers an intuitive interface that allows creative professionals to seamlessly match the colors of two displays. Whether you are working with a MacBook display and a single monitor or extending across two monitors, this tool simplifies the process.

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  • How to make sure I’m using the latest version?

    Please turn on "auto update" in settings so it will check for updates automatically.

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  • What is the required OS to install the Display ColorTalk?


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  • What will happen when Display ColorTalk is not compatible with the monitor?

    Display ColorTalk can only work on compatible models. If the monitor is not supported, users cannot successfully designate the benchmark and tuning monitor.

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  • Is Display ColorTalk compatible with all BenQ monitors?


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  • Where can I download Display ColorTalk?


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  • How to know if my monitor/software is compatible with M1?

    Please click and follow the instructions below, or read on to learn more about this topic.

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