Special Combo Offer: Buy any ScreenBar with a BenQ Monitor & Get Flat ₹ 1000 OFF* with Coupon Code 'BQSCREEN25'
Shop NowSpecial Combo Offer: Buy any ScreenBar with a BenQ Monitor & Get Flat ₹ 1000 OFF* with Coupon Code 'BQSCREEN25'
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Page updated: May 2020
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BenQ eye-care solution provides four technologies to save your eyes from eye-related illnesses and offer a clear and comfy view at the same time. Besides, the 3 considerate features will offer various comfort-boosting modes to make users enjoy an optimal viewing experience.
Brightness Intelligence Technology is to brilliantly detect the ambient light levels as well as the color temperature in your viewing environment to automatically adjust on-screen brightness and color temperature to grant you a cozy viewing comfort. Your contents will gain more details in dark areas and maintain a visible level of clarity and intensity.
With BenQ Brightness Intelligence Technology, the ambient sensor senses the amount of ambient light in your viewing environment and automatically adjusts the most comfortable and suitable screen brightness to match your surroundings without sacrificing the image quality of your beloved content. It will also detect content intensity to avoid overexposure of bright scenes while enhancing dark areas to maintain clear visibility.
Brightness Intelligence Plus (B.I.+)
Brightness Intelligence (B.I.)
Among the mountains, through the valleys, into the deserted zones, all for bringing into life the vision you pursue for eternity.
Blue-violet radiation is harmful to our eyes. BenQ Low Blue Light Technology is designed to filter out the blue light, effectively diminishing eye fatigue and irritation and bringing viewing comfort.
When one sets eyes on the monitor for 8 hours, it means the eyes perceive 5.8 million times of flicker, causing eye strain and vision impairment. BenQ exclusive Flicker-free technology, certified by international TÜV Rheinland, is to eliminate the main cause for monitor flicker. Users are offered a chance to use monitor without compromise on eyes health or display quality.
BenQ’s Color Weakness mode allows users with color vision deficiency to customize the amount of red or green displayed on the monitor with red and green filters. Once the red and green are neutralized, the mode ensures a comfortable viewing experience for all users and helps users to clearly distinguish between different colors. Additionally, BenQ’s color weakness mode also helps improve the viewing experience for people with Protanomaly (red-weakness) or Deuteranomaly (green-weakness) while allowing users to adjust the level of color weakness mode.