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1.  öğesine dokunun.

    Bağlantı penceresi görünür.

2. OPS'ye dokunun.

    Slot-in PC başlatılır.

3. Slottaki PC arabirimine bağlı olarak aşağıdaki işlemlerden birini gerçekleştirin.




BenQ Launcher


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Uygulanabilir modeller

CP6501K | DuoBoard Kurumsal İnteraktif Ekran, CP8601K DuoBoard Corporate Interactive Flat Panel, RE6501 65” Education Interactive Display, RE6503, RE7501 75" Education Interactive Display, RE7503, RE8601 86" Education Interactive Display, RE8603 BenQ Board Essential Education, RM5501K 55", RM5502K, RM6501K 65", RM6502K, RM6503, RM6503A, RM7501K 75”, RM7502K, RM7503, RM7503A, RM8601K 86”, RM8602K, RM8603, RM8603A, RP6501K, RP6502 65” Eğitim için Akıllı Tahta, RP6502 Kurumsal, RP6503 | 65" Pro Series Education Interactive Display, RP7501K, RP7502, RP7502 Kurumsal, RP7503 | 75" Pro Series Education Interactive Display, RP8601K, RP8602 86” 4K UHD Education Interactive Flat Panel, RP8602 86” 4K UHD Education Interactive Flat Panel, RP8602 Kurumsal, RP8603 | 86" Pro Series Education Interactive Display

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