Ever struggled identifying colours from one another? Maybe you are afflicted with a degree of colour blindness?
Take the Ishihara test below to find out, and if you suffer from any degree of colour deficiency, you can trial the BenQ BL2480T monitor for FREE for 3 months.
BenQ’s BL2480T features its unique Color Weakness Mode. This was designed for those who suffer from colour vision deficiency, primarily those who are afflicted by a mild to moderate affliction. Color Weakness Mode is a filter that enables users with colour deficiency to distinguish colours easier when using the monitors, particularly within some photos, maps or statistic charts.
Read on to find out more.
How can you trial the BenQ BL2480T for free for 3 months?
It’s simple. Take the Ishihara test to find out if you suffer from a degree of colour deficiency. For the test, just answer the multiple choice questions.

Your results will display on a page at the end. To enter, copy the results page URL and send the link in an email to BQE.MarcomFB@BenQ.eu.

If your results show you suffer from a degree of colour deficiency then you will be eligible to receive the BenQ BL2480T monitor for a FREE 3 month trial. To be eligible to receive the monitor, you must have 5 incorrect results in the test.
Purchase The BL2480T With Discount
After the 3 months, you will then be eligible to purchase the product for a discounted price. We will send you a questionnaire to gain feedback about your experience with the monitor. Simply complete this questionnaire and return it to us and you will be able to purchase the monitor at a discounted price.
If you are not satisfied with the monitor, then you are eligible to return the product with no charges. The Return must be requested before the end date of the trial.
Please read the full Terms and Conditions here
What is Colour Vision Deficiency?
Most people with colour vision deficiency are able to see things just as clearly as the rest of the population, the difference is their inability to distinguish red, green, or blue light. The most common is red/green colour blindness, where sufferers mix up all colours which have red or green as part of the whole colour. Often, they experience colour confusions or see certain pairs of colours so similarly that they cannot tell them apart and have trouble distinguishing between some shades of red, yellow, and green.
For example, a red/green colour blind person will confuse a blue and a purple because they can’t ‘see’ the red element of the colour purple.
Similar problems can arise across the whole colour spectrum, even black can be confused as dark green or dark blue. The effects of colour vision deficiency can be mild, moderate or severe. Approximately 40% of colour blind pupils currently leaving secondary school are unaware that they are actually colour blind, whilst 60% of sufferers experience many problems in everyday life.
Imagine seeing this during an exam or at work trying to read an important chart?

Or imagine struggling to read a map?

And just imagine trying to watch the football when it looks like this?

So, What Is BenQ's Color Weakness Mode?
Color Weakness Mode is BenQ’s unique option to help people who suffer from weak to moderate colour blindness in everyday life.
Color Weakness Mode is a filter that enables users with colour deficiency to distinguish colours easier when using the monitors, particularly within some photos, maps or statistic charts.
BenQ interviewed people with colour vision deficiency, and adjusted colour tune and enhanced colour to change the colour filter on the display based on the findings from interviews. The filter is adjustable depending on the individual’s circumstances and how strong they need the settings from 0-20.
Who is the Color Weakness Mode for?
The Color Weakness Mode was designed for those who suffer from colour vision deficiency, primarily those who are afflicted by a mild to moderate affliction. We regret to say those who are severely colour blind may not gain as many positives from the Color Weakness Mode as those who only have mild or moderate colour vision deficiency. However, if you still wish to trial the monitor, we look forward to hearing your feedback on the product.
Why did BenQ design the Color Weakness Mode?
Technology plays an important role in our lives. The Color Weakness Mode helps a percentage of the population impacted by colour blindness by providing much better and friendlier viewing experiences. It’s designed to ensure better colour vision is a seamless part of everyday routine.
Please Be Truthful
We ask that you are truthful in your Ishihara test. The Free Trial is subject to availability. Please fill in your answers honestly to produce an accurate result. The Color Weakness Mode was invented to help those who suffer from colour deficiency, and we want to reach as many of those who are afflicted as possible to make a positive impact in their lives.
Please ensure you read the full Terms and Conditions here