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Get Your Kids Future Ready! Be a Little Healthy Programmer!

Let your child explore the world of coding in less than 2 hours with our Eye Care Monitor - GW2480T.


Programming is the new literacy in today’s digital world. Is your child ready to brace the digital world? Worried your child is spending too much time on screens and get eyes problems when heading for the future of coding?

Bring your kid and come join 2 hours experience event to learn code and make a game by your own! You will also learn how to choose the best eye care monitor for your child.


Date: 22nd Sep 2019

Time: 10am to 12pm or 13:30pm to 4pm

Venue: Coding Lab (80 Marine Parade Road, Parkway Parade, #10-06 Singapore 449269)

Participant: 1Parent-1Child pair 

*The number of participants is limited.


■ Note

● This event is open and suitable for the kids from 7 to 12 years and learn coding first time.

● BenQ reserves the right to select the participants from all the applicants and change the contents of this workshop at any time without prior notice.