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ZOWIE is DreamHack Summer 2016 Official eSports Monitor Brand

BenQ ZOWIE will attend the fourth stop of DH ZOWIE Open as part of DreamHack Summer, one of the biggest DreamHack events, happening yearly in Jonkoping, Sweden


Taipei, Taiwan, June 3, 2016 – BenQ ZOWIE will attend the fourth stop of DH ZOWIE Open as part of DreamHack Summer, one of the biggest DreamHack events, happening yearly in Jonkoping, Sweden. All competitions will be played using BenQ monitors. Additionally, ZOWIE extended its partnership to supply its RL eSports console monitors for the Capcom Pro Tour’s Street Fighter V Tournament and the Pokkén Tournament matches.

With the DreamHack travelling to Sweden, ZOWIE will have its first booth in the Nordic region with its products and staff, enabling Swedish and Nordic gamers to experience the full range of ZOWIE eSports products.  Visitors will be able to try the full range of line-ups from SR and TF mousepads to EC, ZA and FK mice series, including the newly released FK1+. If you do not know which ZOWIE mouse fit you, this is the best place to find out and ZOWIE staff will be there to help you make your decision.

The PC competitions of DH ZOWIE Open will be played on XL2430T model and Street Fighter and Pokken tournaments will be played on RL2460HT model with the exclusive lag-free head-to-head combat station setup.

In cooperation with Bandai Entertainment, fighting games fans can visit the ZOWIE booth to try the new Tekken 7 and try their luck in the tournament for a chance to win the BenQ ZOWIE RL2460 monitor.

The ZOWIE booth is located at B04:07 and DreamHack Summer will run from June 18 to 21 (with expo opening until 20th). Stay tuned to ZOWIE social media @ZOWIEbyBenQ for further details.