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Why Water Resistance is an Essential Portable Projector Feature


When shopping for a portable projector, keep in mind where you’ll be doing the portability. As a mobile device, that portable projector may go with you on camping trips or become the center of an outdoor movie night. That means there’s a chance it’ll get rained on or have drinks spilled on it and so forth. That calls for some kind of water resistance to become part of the original product design and the testing process at the factory.

Good portable projectors pass formal liquid resistance testing, conforming to IP standards. IP stands for Ingress Protection, and covers a series of standards that address dust and fluid resistance in electronic devices. These standards have been formulated by the IEC, or the International Electrotechnical Commission. IPXX refers to Ingress Protection for dust and water, in that order. The higher the numbers following “IP”, the better the protection. When you see an IP rating in the specs for a portable projector, you know it’ll be easier to keep that projector safer when moving about. Those specs mean the engineers took actual outdoors conditions into account when designing the portable projector to perform at peak condition long term. 

Outdoor portable projector with water resistance IPX2 is crucial for outdoor use

The Big Picture Goes Outdoors

As we said, outdoors projectors function by default in all kinds of environments and weather conditions. While we can’t claim any of them are invincible, the ones tested for durability against humidity and water fare better than cheap models that don’t boast such traits.

Imagine you’re doing a backyard barbecue but there’s a slight chance of rain. What’s better, draping the projector in a tarp that’ll keep obscuring the lens and cause it to overheat, or simply going with a projector that won’t mind some drizzle? Clearly the latter’s a superior choice. With water resistance integrated into the design, you don’t have to think about keeping your projector safe, as it protects itself! Your investment is thus better cared for and the entertainment goes on unhindered. 

On the Road Again

Are you a camper van or RV owner? Do you enjoy road trips but want entertainment to go? Then a portable projector fits the bill. However, in the confines of a recreational vehicle, a lot of things can go awry. You may spill a drink on something. Like your portable projector. It’s then that water/liquid resistance comes in handy, especially since many roads can be quite bumpy. Which elegantly leads us to our next point. 

Water Resistance Has a Companion

Right up there with water resistance, good portable projectors are separated from mediocre portable projectors by attention to drop and shock resistance. Models capable of withstanding falls and shocks offer additional endurance and are well worth investing a little more. As with most technology, going cheap rarely pays off with portable projectors, so do mind the features of what you’re getting. Look for models that have water and drop protection and you’re bound to enjoy your portable projector in a much more carefree manner, and for longer!

Read on for guidance on how to choose the best portable projector for your outdoorsy needs


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