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Do You Need a KVM for Work Productivity?

A Keyboard-Video-Mouse (KVM) can improve your Work-From-Home setup

With KVM, you improve work efficiency and get rid of extra clutter.

When most of the workforce moved remote last year, there was a scramble to set up home offices quickly, efficiently, and for temporary use. Nearly a year later, an increasing number of companies have committed to permanent remote work or a combination of home-based and office-based. Home offices are here to stay. It’s time to optimize.

Uncluttered Desk – Uncluttered Mind

A top concern for employers and remote employees is productivity. One of the primary reasons behind this is increased opportunity for distraction while at home. Thus, once you move past any chaos in your home, it’s more important than ever that your remote office be set up for success. Key to this is eliminating anything that interferes with your workflow and your workspace. For those who work on multiple computers or a combination of Mac® and PC products, a Keyboard-Video-Mouse is the space saver that’s a life saver. 

What is This Magic?

Not magic, but close. Keyboard-Video-Mouse, or KVM, lets you use one keyboard and mouse to control two computers by simply switching the source. Both computers display on the same monitor. You no longer have to choose which computer gets to connect to your beautiful monitor and which is left aside with a tiny screen you have to squint to see. This is also handy if you use lunch or post-work time to game your stress away, without the hassle of setup. Here’s how it works: 

Plus, any time you can eliminate cords, you’re also eliminating some inconvenience and distraction. For those who crave an efficient streamlined work station, Thunderbolt 3 and USB-C single cable connectivity can provide blazing fast transmission of audio, video, and data, along with offering power delivery to charge your device.

But Wait, There’s More!

There are also other tools that can help you use your home office monitor more efficiently. For example, some displays offer PBP (Picture-by-Picture) and PIP (Picture-in-Picture) which allow you to view content in the way that suits you best.

You probably spent time choosing the office chair best able to carry you, literally, through your work days. Your mouse and keyboard are likely ergonomically designed to serve you best. Maybe now is the time to top off your work-from-home executive suite with the right desktop monitor to meet your needs. 


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