In terms of 4K, There are mainly two kinds of 4K projectors: 4K UHD projectors and 4K enhanced projectors. Both of these play 4K content, but there is a difference. 4K UHD is 8 megapixels, and is considered to show 4K resolution by using a DLP 4K UHD chipset with advanced image processing, ensuring incredibly fast switching speed. This delivers a 3840x2160 resolution with 8.3 million distinct pixels for each frame, four times higher than Full HD 1080p. Enhanced 4K mainly refers to pixel shifting technology, which mostly shows 2K resolution, thus 4 megapixels, but fired twice with pixel shifting to show seemingly 8 megapixels on the screen. Both enhanced and 4K UHD projectors show excellent, fantastically detailed images, and the difference is still visible when projected onto the cinema screen.