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Why Noise Filter Speakers and Noise Cancellation Mic are Must-Haves in Video Conferences

Every video meeting goes well with clear vocals to and from the monitor with noise separated from signal and no cable or charging messes involved.

With video conferencing so integrated into our hybrid work styles and environment, effective communications become ever so critical. Can you say with confidence your audio appliances are ones you can truly depend on? A lot affects this determination.


Working environments are inevitably influenced by a lot of unexpected noises, from children crying and playing or family member cleaning the house, to noises from construction sites and so on. To tune out the noise, the poorly-fitting headsets press hard on your head and warm up your ears, causing more discomfort and frustration, while badly-placed microphones strain your voice as you struggle to be heard clearly. Additionally, headset cables and the need to charge wireless headphones all add complications to everyday work.

On top of that, the quality of each video conference also depends on the location and situation of your counterparts. The background commotion on their side, traffic noises from all kinds of vehicles around, the uncertainty leads to questionable conditions for proper and clear communications.


Therefore, monitors with built-in speakers and microphone that separates noise apart from signal may be the best solution, ensuring that every video meeting goes well with clear vocals to and from the monitor with no cable or charging messes involved.

BenQ has utilized environmental noise cancellation technology with ENC voice processor to filter out background noise on mic and speakers.

How It Works

The human brain is able to pick out one voice from among many and can decode and amplify that voice over others. The traditional way used by microphones to remove noise is to “substrate” certain frequencies identified as having higher levels of background noise from the original signal. However, this is less helpful when dealing with non‐steady‐state sounds, which cover most sound in our daily life. BenQ has embedded digital microphone and speakers on selected new monitors, utilized environmental noise cancellation technology with ENC voice processor to filter out background noise, and smartly removed background commotion to transmit only important vocals between you and your teammates or clients.


Looking for a more comfortable and efficient video conferencing experience? BenQ monitors with built-in noise cancellation microphone, noise filter speakers, and many other conference-beneficial features, are eager to offer improved meeting quality with precise communications and enhanced productivity for all.


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