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7 Ways to Enjoy “Me Time” With a Portable Projector


Technology proves an essential factor for quality time at home, and you’d be surprised just how versatile a mini portable projector can be for making the most of indoor stays. Compact, easy to use, and highly connectable, modern portable projectors boost your home fun quotient in many ways. We’ll look at seven tips to help you get the most mileage out of your portable projector. Whether for general entertainment, creativity, fitness, streaming, or gaming, mini portable projectors result in big fun. 

The man is using a portable projector GV1 with bluetooth speaker function to play music while staying at home.

Indoors Fun out of This World

Perhaps in the past staying home might have been somewhat depressing because entertainment options were limited. These days you no longer have to just stare at a TV or browse the internet for cat memes. A wide range of devices exists to create meaningful experiences right from the comfort of your living room, bedroom, study, basement…well, you get the picture. Anywhere at home. No matter where you live or what kind of residence you have, technology is your friend.

Among the various devices to emerge in recent decades and especially in recent years are mini, compact, and portable projectors. Free from the screen size constraints of TVs, projectors easily showcase content on big format screens and even walls. Everything looks bigger and brighter, and since we’re talking about portable projectors the experience moves with you with ease. Try relocating a 75” TV from room to room. What a chore. But a portable projector with built-in battery and a total weight of less than two pounds? Now we’re talking true mobility.

So, we said we have seven ways for optimizing your portable projector experience. Well, here they are: 

The man is watching and doing boxing videos projected by portable projector GV1 at home.

1. Big Screen Fitness: Exercise

When you’re trying to stay active at home, it’s a lot easier to follow exercise guide videos on a big screen. Small laptop screens or even TVs may force you to pause and look closely, but with a projector everything from kickboxing to Tabata regimens works better because you have a huge image to look at and follow. No more does being at home mean becoming overly inactive. 

The man is cooking in the kitchen with the display of cooking show projected by portable projector GV1.

2. Projected Delicacies: Cooking

By the same token, cooking and baking videos look much better on a big format. They’re also far easier to follow when every detail pops out and appears in large scale, reducing the likelihood of kitchen accidents and other unfortunate events. If you’re home might as well try out new recipes, and a portable projector fits very nicely in your kitchen, unlike a big screen TV. 

The woman is doing yoga by watching the yoga videos projected by portable projector GV1 at home.

3. Zen and the Art of the Screen: Yoga

Also similar to general exercise routines, yoga benefits from being shown on a large display. Even if you’re upside down you can still get everything you need for your posture at a glance when it’s on a 100” or 200” screen. Not so much from a 6” smartphone display or even your TV. Additionally, portable projectors allow you to do yoga in any room or in a backyard, it’s up to you. And since the screen is so visible, you can do group yoga with just one portable projector without having to crowd around a small display. 

4. Tunes Are the Muse: Your Songs

Good portable projectors have Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. With the latter, they double as standalone Bluetooth speakers that provide hours of battery life. Let stress wash over you, grab a book, and relax with your favorite tracks playing in the background. That’s versatility – portable projectors act as dedicated speakers with a very focused sound profile perfect for smaller spaces, as opposed to the washed-out audio you get from TV speakers. 

A portable projector GV1 displays  tv series on a white wall.

5. Time to Binge: TV Show Galore

More time at home means an opportunity to chip away at your TV show backlog. With Wi-Fi, portable projectors connect to your home network and streaming apps. Plus, HDMI means you can plug in streaming boxes like Apple TV, Roku, and Chromecast. In any case, getting Netflix, Hulu, Disney+ et al to work on a portable projector is easy. Then all you have to do is kick back and binge watch your favorite shows. Might as well – fun is one of the main points of being home, are we right?

6. Your Time With YouTube: Animal Videos!

Beyond TV shows and movies, portable projectors offer an excellent canvass for YouTube videos. We already talked about cooking, exercise, yoga, and others. And we did mention cat memes. Come to think of it, there’s nothing wrong with cat videos. Or animal videos in general. YouTube is awash with them and they look great on a big screen. Never underestimate the power of a good animal video to bring about calm and good vibes. 

The man is playing mobile games on a white wall with the help from a portable projector GV1.

7. Get Interactive: Gaming

Portable projectors offer an excellent gateway to big screen gaming. Whether casting from your phone or tablet with the latest mobile titles, or plugged via HDMI to your Xbox, PlayStation, or PC, portable projectors expand your view into the games you play. Every detail made big, every action more impressive. Engulf yourself with some quality gaming and the days will go by fast and happy. 

So there you have it. Those are just examples, we could come up with a lot more you can do to enhance your personal time at home with a portable projector, but we’ll leave that up to you. Just remember, portable projectors should be on your list of devices to have for enjoyable stays at home. 

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