Annewiek and I ran a computer company for over 20 years and we’ve dealt with BenQ a lot in the past. For gamers… well there is one brand that they all wanted…. BenQ, so when they told me they were very serious about the new line of photography/design monitors I was immediately sold… well not immediately, I still had to see the monitor of course, but long story short… I was sold. The quality of that first monitor was without a doubt on par with what I was using at that moment but it was several hundred euros cheaper, and let’s be honest everyone can only spend their money once. But don’t get me wrong, BenQ is not a price fighter or cheap brand, on the opposite, it’s a very nicely designed monitorbrand with amazing specs, the thing is…. it’s BenQ, and the company is just a lot bigger than some of the competitors so they keep the prices lower. So don’t be fooled by price alone.