AirParrot 2 sells a single license $12.99, which will enable you to connect just one device from which you can stream content. This may be fine forwireless screen mirroring for a casual consumer, or occasional classroom use – but makes it difficult for true collaboration such as a scrum meeting. The BenQ InstaShow costs $ 999 for a complete system, including two buttons, receiver, and award-winning tabletop button holder. This makes a direct comparison challenging for three reasons.
First, the $999 BenQ InstaShow is ready to work right out of the box – and can be set up in just a few minutes without any IT support or network connections.
Second, the InstaShow is a one-time purchase and, anyone (students, employees, guests) can connect just by plugging in a button or via Airplay, Miracast – or the free InstaShare app. With AirParrot, you need to purchase a license for every device that would be used to present (even visitors) – creating extra costs and hassles for IT managers who now have to keep track of who has the correct licenses on what devices they are using.
Third, the InstaShow has built-in encryption to ensure that the content cannot be seen by unauthorized users or hackers using sniffers to record your wireless presentations. This is especially important in engineering applications, where critical intellectual property secrets could be exposed.