To be honest, it’s not easy to find a perfect external monitor for your Mac. Retina displays have raised the bar for monitors, for they offer high resolutions and higher color standards. Therefore, any display with a lower resolution cannot serve as a great external monitor for Macs. Also, Retina displays have fed your eyes with such vibrant and distinct color that they’ve set up a color standard for you. Furthermore, the dominant connection on a Mac is Thunderbolt 3, while most monitors are not equipped with Thunderbolt at all. Without that connection, your Mac is thus forced to add to the cable clutter around your workspace through adapter and extra wires. As most Macs don’t support DisplayPort MST daisy-chaining, a monitor cannot daisy-chain with another without Thunderbolt 3 connectivity for a dual-monitor setup. Taken together, you know pretty well by now that a perfect Mac-compatible monitor has to solve these issues, but displays like that are not easy to find.