Eliminate the Hassle of Filter Cleaning with Certified IP5X Dust Free Laser Projectors
Next to lamps, cleaning and changing dirty filters is the next biggest cost of owning a traditional lamp-based projector. Many models that use three-panel liquid crystal panel technology still depend on filters to keep the dust out of the projector. This is a less expensive approach for the manufacturer but requires users to respond to warning lights such as “clean filter now” or schedule regular cleanings as needed. If the projector is mounted in a high ceiling or other difficult to reach location, this can be a significant added cost and hassle.
While many laser projectors still use filters, you may want to consider an IP5X certified dust-free laser projector model. These models seal all the openings to the projector and use advanced metallurgy to properly cool the components in the same way a MacBook Pro cools itself despite being very thin. The engine is tested in a dust chamber – then certified to ensure so that when you buy one of these models, you don’t have to worry about cleaning a filter or damaging the projector.