This least expensive way to put a projector into a protected closure in front of an impact screen for a garage golf simulation setup, especially for smaller setups and those using traditional 4:3 aspect ratios. These enclosures have a ramp-type design that deflects any “worm burner” shots up into the screen and has ventilation to keep the projector from overheating. The power and video cables are run under the floor mat, also saving installation costs.
You will want a “short throw” projector that will fill the entire screen from only five or six feet away from the screen. Most lamp-based projectors can fit inside these enclosures – and are very affordable. If you are using a smaller set up with a square screen, then you will want to look at the $600 BenQ MX825ST, which is set up for a 4:3 square screen aspect ratio and has a special lamp that will output 3300 lumens using SmartEco lamp technology that will enable the lamp to last up to 15,000 hours. If you want a widescreen floor-mounted setup, you will want to consider the $799 BenQ TH671ST, which has a widescreen aspect ratio and 1080p resolution with a short-throw lens.