Also notable right off the bat is the much more reasonable and sedate pace that Extraction has in comparison to Siege. Maps are larger and more diverse, including urban areas, warehouses, and open sections. Each mission includes three main objectives, but your team can extract at any time by heading to a pick-up point, just like in XCOM. Hence the title Extraction. The Archaeans are the bad guys, aliens of an unknown origin that are spreading across the world. One of your primary missions is to learn more about them, mostly by shooting them, naturally.
Unlike Siege and its handful of solo training missions, Extraction is perfectly suitable to solo play. The AI adjusts itself plus there are difficulty levels. Choose the easiest one (recommended for solo players from our experience), and you’ll get a very optimized game pace. Enemies won’t swarm you like in Back 4 Blood unless you cause too much noise or trouble, in which case a minor swarm may emerge. Swarms can be difficult to handle alone, and if you get downed, your operator doesn’t die, but rather becomes incapacitated and removed from the roster until, you guessed it, extracted from the hot zone.