While Sony said VRR would be added in late April 2022 as an update, it was not an actual system software update, so don’t go looking for one. We don’t know how this was delivered to consoles, but the feature simply appeared, for us on April 27. While Xbox consoles have supported VRR since late 2017, it seems Sony has taken a different approach, perhaps more realistically because in 2017 there were no TVs with VRR. In any case the feature is here now. However, if it doesn’t show up for you, you may need to shut down your PS5 and restart.
Your display needs to be in game mode for the PS5 to detect VRR. Without that, the feature will likely not appear. For example, if you have the MOBIUZ EX2710U or EX3210U, you should set the monitor to the Gaming picture mode. There may be cases where VRR will appear nonetheless, but from our experience, a game mode is required to enable it.