On the PC side of things, Mass Effect Legendary Edition offers full 21:9 ultrawide resolution support. So, if you have a curved gaming monitor there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy the wider field of view the settings allow for. From brief testing, Mass Effect Legendary Edition ran great in 3440 x 1440 with everything set to ultra, and you don’t even need a monster graphics card. While remastered for 2021, all three Mass Effect titles still run on their core engines from back in the day. By the standards of modern graphics cards, none of the three offer much of a graphics load or challenge. Framerate goes up to whatever your PC can handle, with 120Hz and 144Hz obviously possible.
Do note the Legendary Edition does not contain Mass Effect Andromeda. Released in 2017, that game still strains modern GPUs when set to ultra and runs on a completely different engine than the first three, which shows in how spectacular it looks on PC.
But if you want to relive the first three Mass Effects, there’s no better way than the Legendary Edition. Going back to the original versions would be pointless now. And if you’ve never played Mass Effect, once more we need to ask – what are you waiting for?