meeting and huddle rooms are designed to create efficient and effective
internal and external communication. The
growth of YouTube provides a convenient and inexpensive way to post
instructional videos, announcements and other internal communications. In a
meeting room environment, videos allow you to demonstrate important concepts
and product functions in much more detail than printed or verbal media.
choosing a wireless presentation system, the ability to smoothly play back
videos is a key criteria in a successful huddle room collaboration
environment. So how do you ensure that
your videos look great on the screen when using a wireless presentation systems
in small meeting rooms and huddle spaces?
most popular wireless presentation systems today use either a physical button
transmitter that connects to a dedicated receiver, or has a special network hub
that utilizes the existing WiFi network to capture
and route the presentation to the display.
While there are consumer devices such as Nyruis
Air Prime and Google Chromecast, they are not designed for professional use and
lack key features such as multiple presenters and wireless encryption.
Comparing Popular Wireless
Presentations for Video Playback
will look at four popular wireless presentation systems using both physical
buttons and WiFi Network hubs to see what is required
for smooth looking videos using these platforms. This paper will examine two key areas.
How easy is it to install and setup to
ensure smooth video playback
How easy is it for visitors to connect
and playback videos from notebook computers
Button Transmitter
Systems - BenQ InstaShow and Barco ClickShare
highly popular systems from BenQ and Barco systems use a dedicated button that
connects to the notebook to capture video content, which is then encrypted and
wirelessly transmitted to the receiver.
The receiver which then decrypts the signal back into a HDMI stream that
can be displayed on a projector or flat panel.
WiFi Network Hubs – Mersive Solstice and AirTame
Mersive and AirTame systems
use dedicated hubs that are connected to the enterprise network and the
display. The presenter installs an app
from the manufacturer on their computer, which then sends it over the WiFi network to the hub, which then converts the signal to
a HDMI stream that can be displayed on large screen.
How Easy is it to
install and setup?
BenQ InstaShow WDC-10
and Barco ClickShare CS-100
Both these systems are
very similar in how they are installed, since their receivers can operate
either independently or connected to the enterprise network for
management. To setup each system for
basic video operation:
1.Connect the receiver to
the display
2.Connect buttons to
3.Begin presenting
Both systems create a
private wireless network that is used for both PowerPoint, KeyNote,
and video playback. Because the button
transmitter handles the encryption process, they contain software that can
manage and optimize the content for both text and video playback without any
significant IT support or changes to the enterprise network for smooth video
playback. The BenQ InstaShow has a “video”
button on the transmitter that enables the user to switch the encryption method
that adjusts the encryption encoding to optimize for smooth video and audio
WiFi Network Hubs – Mersive Solstice and AirTame 2
Because these devices
leverage the corporate network to wirelessly transmit the signals from the
notebook to a display, Both systems have specific requirements identified in
their network deployment guides that are needed for baseline video playback
performance. The guides outline these
specific performance metrics needed for smooth performance. Here is a summary of each systems
requirements from their deployment guides available in April 2019.
Mersive Solstice
connecting the receiver to the display is similar to the button systems, setting up the system on the network can be
more complicated. According to the Network Deployment Guide revised in January
2019, here are a few of the initial requirements to setup and install the hub
onto the network. The complete
information can be found in the nine page deployment guide available on the
that the host can support the following bandwidth requirements for smooth video
mb/second X the number of simultaneous connected
packet latency of 35ms
network jitter of 1 Standard Deviation
packet loss of 0.20%
above is considered baseline performance only and should be tested before
Solstice’s networking settings and customization options according
to the IT policies, network topology, and use case requirements, including
opening required ports
Windows Hosts, firewall exceptions may be needed
3.Additional steps as needed for other
networking issues such as dual network support and certificate management per
the Deployment guide.
Airtame 2
to the “Integrate Airtame into your Network” website
page on April 2019, the video stream performance is “mainly based on your
network's performance.” This page outlines the key requirements needed for
deployment including:
Isolation" or "NAT Mode" must be disabled on the network
must be allowed on the network
NTP server must be accessible for time synchronization. Either an internal NTP
(specified by the DHCP option 42) or permission to access external NTP servers.
Performance: < -40dbm=Excellent | -40dmb to -50dmb=Good | >-60dbm=poor
Peak Hour Ping Time performance of less than 10ms
Portal Login Networks and WEP are not supported
steps as needed for other networking issues such as VLAN network support and
certificate management per the 16 page Deployment guide.
Installation and Setup
based wireless presentation such as the BenQ InstaShow are easier to install
and deploy to ensure smooth video playback.
Network based systems require more complicated installation and network
support to ensure smooth video playback.
Some configuration requirements may not be aligned with corporate
policy, and smaller companies may not have the IT resources to support these
requirements to deploy the system in multiple huddle spaces.
How Easy Is It for Visitors
To Use Connect and Play Video From Their Notebook Computers?
BenQ InstaShow WDC-10
The BenQ InstaShow is
designed for visitors to easily use the system without any IT or additional
software. This hardware-only design uses
a special video mode to enable the transmitter to encrypt video for smooth
wireless transmission without compromising security
a.Connect the transmitter to the notebook and push the main button
to connect to the screen
b.Push the “Video” button to switch on the transmitter to video
optimized encryption
c.Play video and audio content
Barco CS-100
The Barco CS-100 system
works in a similar manner, with the exception that the Barco software must be
loaded on the notebook in order to work.
This may create a problem for visitors who may not have administrator access,
or companies with strict security requirements.
a.Download the Barco app on the computer (potential issue for
b.Connect the transmitter to the notebook and push the main button
to connect to the screen
c.Play video and audio content
WiFi Network Hubs – Mersive Solstice and AirTame 2
Because these devices
rely on software applications loaded onto the notebook to encrypt the data and
corporate networks to transmit the video to the display, the process for
visitors can be more complicated depending on the meeting room network security
Mersive Solstice
product requires the visitor to be logged into the same network that the Mersive Solstice is using, and also requires the
manufacturer’s software to be loaded onto the visitor’s laptop. This may be an issue if a notebook is “locked
down” for security reasons and unable to install third party apps.
a.Visitor logs
obtains the password for the enterprise network that is hosting the Solstice
hub and logs into the network.
b.If the visitor
has not downloaded the app prior to the meeting, the visitor will then type in
the IP address of the display.
c.The visitor
clicks on the “Get the App & Join button” The app should download and
install itself on the notebook
d.Visitor selects
correct display from the app
e.If prompted,
enter in the screen key listed on the Solstice display
f.Play video and audio
Airtame 2
Airtame uses a similar approach. The visitor
must be on the same network as the Airtame 2 and use
the manufacturer’s software loaded on to the notebook to utilize the
system. Again, for companies that have a
“locked down” notebook policy, this may be an issue.
the Airtame software uses the notebook’s processor to
support streaming, there are also minimum requirements for the notebook. The company also recommends reducing other
applications such as DropBox that are using the
network to improve video performance.
a.Visitor logs
obtains the password for the enterprise network that is hosting the Airtame hub and logs into the network.
downloads the app from the Airtame website or app
store and installs. If the user does not
have administrator rights, there is a guest app available on the website for
Windows users
installs and open app on notebook
d.Visitor selects
correct display from the app
e.Play video and audio
Visitor Ease of Use
based wireless presentation such as the BenQ InstaShow have two advantages over
the WiFi network hub systems for visitor ease of
use. First, they do not need any
software to be loaded onto the visitor’s computer, saving both time and
potential disruption if the visitor’s IT security policy limits third party app
installations. The second advantage is
that the visitor does not have to log into the host company network to use the
system, saving meeting time — and potentially eliminating a security risk to
the host from malware and tunneling programs from unethical visitors.
four products are well designed and popular ways to convert a traditional
meeting room into a wireless collaboration room. Both the BenQ InstaShow and Barco ClickShare
deliver smooth video while automatically encrypting the wireless transmissions
to protect from unauthorized screen capture and recording, and can support
nearly any notebook used to play video’s in a meeting
BenQ InstaShow is unique in that it is the only solution that does not require
any application to be loaded onto to a visitor’s notebook, or require access to
the host’s network to be able to wirelessly play videos onto a projector or
flat panel. Because it is not dependent
on the corporate network or the user’s computer to encrypt and transmit the
video, it can deliver smooth videos every time.