Most likely you’re all good in this department. But just to be clear, your internet connection must have at least 25Mbps available to Netflix at all times to sustain 4K HDR streaming. That gives the service enough headroom to handle large data packets. So if you have a 200Mbps connection but you’re downloading large files and also gaming online while trying to watch Netflix, those 25Mbps may not be consistently available. If you really want to sit down and enjoy 4K content we recommend not overloading your internet connection unless you’re on 500Mbps or more.
On a related note, do remember Netflix and all other streaming platforms operate entirely via the cloud. They depend on server availability and have occasional periods of throttling or heavy loads, especially around important holidays. If the Netflix backbone has connectivity problems you may go as low as 288p even on the best display and with the fastest connection. Just be patient, it’ll pass.
Also, streaming quality may differ across sources. If your display is connected to a PC and a game console and both have the Netflix app installed, check which one gives you the best quality. Don’t try to stream Netflix directly from Chrome or any browser other than Microsoft Edge. The latter does support 4K UHD Netflix playback, but the best way is a dedicated app.