If you have an office space with meeting rooms and collaboration spaces, choosing the right system becomes more important. First, meetings are expensive, and getting a meeting started on time is critical to keeping your meeting costs low. For most commercial applications Google Chromecast is simply not reliable enough and was not designed for multiple users or protecting your content from wireless snooping. In North America, there are over 30 different commercial wireless solutions such as AirTame, Barco Clickshare, and other alternatives designed for business and classroom collaboration.
Choosing the right solution for your collaboration space can be a challenging task, but there are the 3 key things you want to keep in mind for any wireless projector solution you are considering:
1. Consider a solution that does not need a network connection to work. This avoids having presentation traffic bog down your network, and visitors logging into your network just to make a presentation
2. Look for a wireless solution that uses corporate-grade security and encryption. This will keep hackers and snoopers from “listening in” and recording confidential presentations.
3. Look for a device that anyone can use in seconds – without an app. Many less expensive solutions require the company-wide deployment of extra software – and visitors are often unable reluctant to install third-party apps just to present.