In gaming, faster is more responsive. To begin with, a 144Hz monitor has less than half the input lag of a 60Hz display. Then, games running at 144 frames per second offer fluidity of the type 60 frames per second simply can’t match. Sure, for a lot of folks that may not be a big issue, and some gamers may even prefer things at a more leisurely pace. Again, it’s no big deal to set a frame limiter in-game or just clock a 144Hz monitor to 60Hz in settings if you REALLY enjoy the slowness.
But otherwise, a 144Hz gaming monitor offers the kind of rapid, on the dot response that a 60Hz monitor has no chance in hell of matching, and speaking of hell, DOOM Eternal would be a good example of this. Between scrambling to generate ammo, create health, and prioritize targets, 144Hz is miles ahead of 60Hz in every way for such a game, except for 4K gaming in ultra settings, though even that has changed in the last six months with the arrival of new hardware.