To paraphrase the catchphrase of HBO’s most successful series, “Season 8 is Coming.”
The final season of Game of Thrones debuts April 14, 2019, and by all accounts will be the most groundbreaking and earthshattering events in television history. Already ahead is the “Battle of Winterfell,” which promises to be the longest and most intense battle scenes ever filmed. Critics predict the battle will eclipse even the 40-minute long siege of Helm’s Deep in the Lord of the Rings film series. The battle will pit our human heroes against the Army of the Dead led by the Night King.
One of the reasons Game of Thrones is a groundbreaking television series is because it’s not like a television series at all. Every episode is cinematic and produced like a motion picture. Some reports have the per-episode price tag at $15 million. The ensemble cast has won many awards internationally, but the real stars behind the series are the special effects and production design teams that brought George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire to life.