In the factory, there might be more than one production line, hence, more than one measurement devices will be used in the factory calibration process to manufacture BenQ PhotoVue Photographer monitors and DesignVue designer monitors. As we have learned that different measurement devices may deliver different measurement and visual results, as shown in Figure 4. And it is not always feasible to specify the exact unit of measurement device to be utilized during the manufacturing process. Furthermore, the measurement devices will also decay with time. Therefore, it is crucial to establish a method to ‘calibrate’ the measurement devices so all of the devices would agree on each type of panel to avoid different visual calibration result from different measurement devices. So, once the ‘calibration method’ of the measurement devices is in place, we could ensure that all measurement devices could deliver the same color values, hence, deliver the same visual calibration result across different production lines, as illustrated in Figure 5. This would improve efficiency dramatically without sacrificing performance.