Refresh rate and response times are high up on every spec sheet. The first number refers to how many frames per second a monitor shows, measured in Hertz (Hz). The long-time standard 60Hz suffices for most gaming needs. However, since video boils down to a series of stills shown at various speeds, the general “faster is better” logic holds true. At higher rates everything appears smoother and more responsive. Gaming on a 144Hz screen jumps out as even more fluid than 60Hz, and noticeably so. However, there may be a limit, as studies show very few people notice refresh rate increases from 144Hz to 240Hz.
On to the second number – response time. While refresh rate is the number of frames per second, response time is the speed at which each of those frames renders. The fastest screens have a 1ms (millisecond) response time while others may go up to 5-6ms, which, for most folks, is still acceptable. Together, refresh rate and response time tell us how fast a given monitor performs. For gamers, fast is of utmost importance. Slow monitors add to input delay or latency and can join other factors such as overall system lag or internet hiccups to ruin a gaming experience. Summed up, it’s hard to win on slow displays.