Perhaps in the past staying home might have been somewhat depressing because entertainment options were limited. These days you no longer have to just stare at a TV or browse the internet for cat memes. A wide range of devices exists to create meaningful experiences right from the comfort of your living room, bedroom, study, basement…well, you get the picture. Anywhere at home. No matter where you live or what kind of residence you have, technology is your friend.
Among the various devices to emerge in recent decades and especially in recent years are mini, compact, and portable projectors. Free from the screen size constraints of TVs, projectors easily showcase content on big format screens and even walls. Everything looks bigger and brighter, and since we’re talking about portable projectors the experience moves with you with ease. Try relocating a 75” TV from room to room. What a chore. But a portable projector with built-in battery and a total weight of less than two pounds? Now we’re talking true mobility.
So, we said we have seven ways for optimizing your portable projector experience. Well, here they are: