This allows long-wavelength blue light to preserve excellent image quality. For programmers who spend long hours staring at screens, BenQ Night Hours Protection can help them avoid immediate discomfort as well as long-term consequences for their vision. Serving as a Guardian for Users Writing Code at Night, equipped with automatic detection capabilities, it provides low-light detection pop-up reminders and, with the auto dimming feature selected, it adjusts the filter regardless of low, high, or auto-brightness settings, ensuring optimal eye care for programmers. Especially in dimly lit spaces during nighttime, Night Hours Protection is customizable via a convenient adjustment menu, letting users effortlessly fine-tune various settings from levels 1 to 10 through the Coding Quick Menu accessible via the Coding Hotkey. BenQ Programming Series monitors even provide at-a-glance LED indicators for Night Hours Protection, B.I. Gen2 and Low Blue Light Plus, eliminating the need to check on their activation or deactivation status.